About the Name: The title is of course a philosophical allusion to a work I have not read, but the phrase is too great to resist. And with it I mean to express our experience of being human -- creatures consisting of the union of body and soul -- in a broken world where we experience a division between the two that did not exist in God's original plan. So it is tongue-in-cheek when referring to the coining of the term and when calling to mind the philosopher who inspired the tongue-in-cheek term.
A Brief History: I started writing online when I graduated college and moved away to join a volunteer community. I wanted to be able to share adventures with my friends at home. I started with the name "To Life Would Be an Awfully Big Adventure" after Peter Pan. As I changed and the blog changed, it started to become more what it is today. At last, I made the change official with a new name and a new look.