Lots of people come into my story with or without dramatic introductions and then return in sideways mentions. I realize now that I am gathering regular readers who have not followed the story long enough to know who Triss is or why I am talking about Ariella.
Ana: friend, sister, roommate, coworker from my year in St. Louis -- ⅕ of the Six Pack.
Ariella: a friend from my days in undergrad, who took over my campus ministry job when
my year was over.
Asher: friend from my alma mater, who was in grad school there while I worked for the
campus ministry.
Benjamin: friend from undergrad.
Brigit: coworker at the campus ministry.
Brother Bear: friend and classmate from Steubenville.
Byrd: friend, sister, roommate, from my year in St. Louis -- ⅕ of the Six Pack.
the Captain: the hubby.
Connor: friend from my alma mater and the social glue of a strong alumni group.
Em: friend, sister, roommate, from my year in St. Louis -- ⅕ of the Six Pack.
Father Dude: campus chaplain from my days working in campus ministry.
Francis: classmate at Franciscan
Guy: made one guest appearance, because it was hard to tell a story in which he starred without giving him a name. I have not laid eyes on him since we took him to the ER.
JP: classmate at Steubenville.
Julia: friend from undergrad, who studied law there while I worked for the campus
Larry: my cousin.
LB: friend from undergrad, who still appears quite often in my life.
Marianne: once the campus minister at my alma mater, she has recently moved into
well-deserved retirement.
Meemaw: friend, sister, roommate, from my year in St. Louis -- ⅕ of the Six Pack.
Miriam: a friend from undergrad, currently with the new title “Sister.”
Miss E/Emily: friend from my alma mater, finishing school graduate, and GIF
aficionado. She is the blog’s resident etiquette expert.
Percy: friend from my alma mater, who kept me good company the year I was working
Shelly: friend, classmate, and roommate from Steubenville.
Thom: a friend and fellow student from Steubenville, who still appears quite often in my life.
Tommy More: a fellow student at Steubenville, who made it into the NoVA area also!
Triss: friend, sister, roommate, from my year in St. Louis -- ⅕ of the Six Pack.
Victoria: Canadian roomate for one semester at Steubenville.
Wendy: friend, roommate, and alter ego from undergrad and beyond.