living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


After camping/biking in the mountains with Percy, I accomplished my actual goal of the weekend outing : attending my cousin's graduation from law school. As much as I want to call my lawyer cousin Vinny, he already has a pseudonym and shall henceforth and forevermore be known as Larry. Larry and I grew up two weeks apart age-wise and ten minutes apart distance-wise, so he is somewhere between a brother and a cousin. His mother and father were in town as well, along with his uncle from the other side.

The commencement activities were, in the grand scheme of things, commencement activities, and the behavior of the audience did not once impress me. However, I had a fantastic weekend because I got to spend it with family. When I first moved out to college, I did not realize quite what I was leaving behind. Now, I cherish every moment I get to spend with my family. I especially love spending time with the people who remind me why I turned out the way I did. I suppose it is natural that we all feel like outsiders in the world at some point or other, and I am blessed enough that with family my weirdness is normal. Even snarky, sarcastic weirdness, with a more than healthy dose of nerd thrown in.

In positive, congratulatory news, Larry got an award for completing 75 hours of pro bono work (lawyer volunteering) and his JD. Apparently, he can't be called esquire until he passes the bar though. Like the doctoral students here, he did have to give back the fancy robe and even the hood, which just is not right.

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