living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Friday, June 19, 2009

Brackish Water River Horse

One of my fellow interns at FFL is transferring to Georgetown, which inspired our boss to tell us about one amazing sight at GW: the Potomac River Horse.

Apparently, a statue of a hippo yawns or roars outside a campus building... I was told that it was the gift of a university president, but the plaque attributes it to a class gift. While GW is represented officially by the Colonials, this guy has become the unofficial mascot. I have to admit, I was struck by the idea of the River Horse Statue. Oh yeah, and by the explanation that George and Martha Washington watched them "cavorting" in the Potomac. Didn't you know that the hippopotamus is native to Virginia?

Of course, I understand that finding a real live colonial can present difficulties, and you have a river horse right there, but some schools don't even have one mascot! Thus, I present a modest proposal:

George Washington University, we want your river horse. Being in southeast Virginia, it could be called the Brackish Water River Horse, to differentiate it from the Potomac variety. William and Mary, here is your new mascot.

Williamsburg may represent the only region in the world with a superabundance of colonials. We'll catch one and exchange it for your River Horse. We get a mascot, you get a colonial, and everyone wins.

If not, we can always be the Fighting Ampersands.

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