living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rule of Thumb

Popular myth (that is likely just myth) traces the origin of the phrase "rule of thumb" to the days when husbands beat their wives with the blessing of the law. According to the myth, a man could not beat his wife with a stick larger than his thumb. The same concept, I assume, could apply to discipline for his children.

Today, parenting experts and marital counselors offer a different school of thought. One that involves no sticks at all. It's generally legally acceptable, and best for all parties involved.

1 comment:

  1. I was under the notion that rule of thumb is rooted in a tailor's measurement - when you are fitted for a suit or jacket they measure from you thumb to determine how long to make the sleeves or I heard from wood workers who, instead of using a rule, measured using their thumb.

    I like your version better. Can I beat my wife now?
