living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"They Call Me a Communist"

It has been a while since last I commented on Stephen Colbert. Unfortunately, the internet in our house streams his show very slowly, so it takes a long time to load and, even then, plays haltingly. However, when Sarah, who lived here last year, posted a clip regarding Catholic Social Teaching, I had to watch it.

Glenn Beck apparently commented (some weeks ago now) that Catholics should keep an eye out for the words "social justice," and if their priest preaches it, they should take it up to the bishop -- as if the bishop would object! Colbert also showed a clip of Beck comparing those who support Catholic social teaching to communists and Nazis.

After going through his usual satirical spiel, Colbert brings in a Jesuit priest to discuss the matter. If CST is the "best kept secret of the Church" (which I've heard; though I've also heard it has some competition from ToB), hopefully this frank discussion about Catholic doctrine from both Colbert and Fr. Martin cleared things up for a huge number of viewers. The Catholic Church could use more publicity like this.

By far my favorite part occurred (I think) unintentionally -- or else Colbert is much more into the subtle subtext than I imagined. He jokes that his God is in favor of people making money; that's why his symbol is a + sign. If he cared about social justice, "he would have put something on it that inspires empathy... Like a kitten." For the Catholic Church, however, there is something on the cross to inspire empathy : the bloodied, beaten, broken body of a man who did nothing to deserve it but love us.


  1. People I am super not afraid of: Glenn Beck
    Also, anyone wearing jean shorts.
    Person I am least afraid of: Glenn Beck, in jean shorts.
