living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Monday, January 31, 2011


If you have known me for a while, you may have heard the story about the time I discovered that my eyes were blue. I was looking through pictures and for some reason, I was noticing other people's blue eyes. So I went to a few pictures of myself, and, lo and behold, my eyes were blue! I had known I had blue eyes, of course, but I hadn't quite realized that this fact meant that in every moment and every photograph, there were two blue things staring out from my face.

If you are laughing now, you are in good company. I made this discovery my junior year of college, and I'm pretty sure Wendy still has not gotten over the occasion.

I tell you this story, because I recently had a similar discovery. I started parting my hair on the side about nine months ago. As I observed other people's hair, I realized that I prefer a part on the left-hand side better than one on the right. And then I realized that I have my hair parted on the right. I just had never noticed because I always see my head in a mirror. And the rest of the world sees me backwards.

1 comment:

  1. ha! i always read/love your posts! this one made me chuckle :) btw, i part my hair on the left!
