living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Friday, March 4, 2011


Unless I wake up in a panic in the middle of the night and snatch an envelop from the mailbox, I have made my decision for next year. Right now, there is a check for an acceptance deposit to the Franciscan University of Steubenville leaving my mailbox with the post tomorrow. How's that for the intersection of awesome and scary?

After my visit, I still had doubts about attending school there next year, but it came down to fear. I am afraid of uprooting myself from the joy-filled and secure life that I have created for myself here, and going north, where I know... one person. Never you mind that this year would end whether I went to Franciscan or not. I didn't say that it was a rational fear. But God kept prompting me as I squirmed with indecision, so I sat down and signed away my next two years. Or at least a bit of money towards my next two years, making a commitment.

MA in Theology and Christian Ministry, here I come! Steubenville, Ohio, you won't know what hit you!


  1. Congratulations Beth! Now you can relax and enjoy the next couple of months :)

  2. Thanks! That's one of the best parts of having made the decision, honestly.

  3. congrats, dear! I'll miss having you nearer-by though.

  4. I'm so excited about your decision. If I can be helpful at all with getting settled in, let me know. I'm just an hour away!

  5. @Laura: That is my biggest qualm about this school. I will be so far from important people. Such as yourself.

    @Nicole: I will def let you know! I know that when I get up there, I will want to see a familiar face.
