living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More of an Idiot: On Wealth and Poverty, St. John Chrysostom

More of an Idiot: On Wealth and Poverty, St. John Chrysostom: "Yes, I have been reading lately, I promise. I just haven't been blogging... about anything.

This short little book, which I finished weeks ago, contains a collection of sermons given by St. John Chrysostom when he was Archbishop of Constantinople. They focus on the parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16: 19-31). Despite the fact that he was preaching to people who enjoyed their wealth (or perhaps because he was), he emphasized, in various ways, the virtues of giving up material wealth and the blessedness of the poor in heaven. He points out eloquently that our material goods came from God and belong to Him, to be used among His children, and therefore one who possesses a superabundance is stealing from the poor. He also explores idea of how God punishes and rewards people in the afterlife according to their actions (not wealth) here."

1 comment:

  1. I like his conclusion about people who posses a superabundance stealing from the poor. Why is it that christianity usually seems so at odds with that idea though?
