living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Short Stories

Short Stories

1) My chin met the sidewalk the other day when I was running. So I've been walking around with a skinned knee, a skinned chin, skinned hands, and a whole lot less dignity.

2) My world is officially clearing out. Everyone had to leave campus housing by noon on Monday. So all my CCMers are gone. Even worse, Julia has left for the summer. I'm discovering it's hard to function without her! Who will make Trader Joe's runs with me?

3) On my "last night" with CCMers, we watch (500) Days of Summer. And then discovered that at 2:45 am, you can find bull-riding on TV. I was proud (though it is a dubious badge at best) of knowing that the goal was to stay on for eight seconds, knowledge I have thanks to Ana and Jake Owen's "Eight Second Ride," which played a lot on the radio last year.

4) On my "last night" with Julia, she, Percy, and I walked CW and found sheep. We baaa'ed at them but could not get them to come over to us. We could get the older couple walking by us to laugh, however.

5) I really want a doctorate because doctoral robes are the coolest. And apparently the hats stay on without pins, according to Julia's mother. The downside? The regalia costs $700. Seriously -- I think I get a doctorate instead of a wedding! (Sorry, Mom.)


  1. 1) So that's what happened to your chin. I didn't want to ask.

    4) We may or may not have done this the last week of field school in '08. We also may or may not have gotten into the pen and tried to ride the sheep. Apparently it (may or may not be) a common frat initiation. No wonder the CW sheep are afraid of people!

    5) I'm totally with you on doctoral robes. And the price doesn't sound too crazy when you think about how much wedding dresses cost. The cheapest one I tried on last month was about $850!

  2. 1) Only one person asked, although apparently this post cleared things up for a lot of people.

    4) So much awesome.

    5) So much to spend on one day! At least doctoral robes you get to wear again, if you stay in academia.
