living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Likewise You Wives

Sunday evening marked the commencement of a graduate Theology of the Body group.  There, I rediscovered the fact that as a Catholic feminist, I exist sometimes in an odd sort of tension.  After all, my God chose to portray Himself as Father, to become incarnate as Son, to pass on His authority in 12 men, in place of the kings of old.  In a way, this pattern has probably done me some good: keeping me from becoming a man-hating feminist.  After all, how can you had the group to which your Savior belongs?

Some things are harder for me than others.  I've gotten over the male hierarchy thing.  But when it comes to certain parts of the Bible... "Likewise,  you wives, be submissive to your husbands" (1 Peter 3:1).  Similar lines appear in other places in the Epistles.  I live my life most of the time blissfully ignoring these passages.  But I don't exactly get to pick and choose and events like a TOB group bring gender roles to the forefront.  I'm not so good at submission -- if you know me, I hope you are laughing now.  Submission to God -- sure that makes sense.  Submission to a valid and respected authority who has reason to be above me -- I'll do that.  Submission to a potential future husband -- problematic.  

I've heard a few explanations of this passage, most of which either explain why the passage is temporally specific and therefore ignorable now (problem!) or why women should submit (another problem!).  So when I found this article, I expected to be underwhelmed.  Instead, I found the sentiment behind it vaguely attractive and worthy of more thought.  As I learn more about Biblical interpretation, I'm not convinced of this article as sound interpretation.  More prayer and research are needed before I fully ascribe to this way of resolving the difficult passage, but it makes for an interesting start.  

1 comment:

  1. "How can you hate the group to which your Savior belongs?" - that is brilliant.

    Is it weird that I more eagerly accept submission in marriage than a male hierarchy? How did you reconcile the male-only priesthood with your feminism?
