living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Every Little Miracle

At the gym the past couple days, someone has left the TV on TLC's "A Baby Story."  Unsurprisingly, a Pampers commercial came on.  The content of the commercial surprised and delighted me.  Take a look-see:

I thought I was watching a pro-life ad at first!  I've been tearing up at the littlest thing lately, but still, it's not every day a commercial nearly makes me cry!


  1. I love this commercial! I saw an edited version where they took out the first two shots (the planned vs. unplanned), which I liked even more!

  2. I like the baby in its mommy's womb. It makes me smile. :-)

  3. I know what you mean....but, c'mon, Pampers, pregnant bride as symbol of unplanned pregnancy, REALLY? We haven't evolved past the idea that unexpected pregnancy=shotgun wedding? (Unrelated to my complaints, it's also a pretty clear dog-whistle to pro-lifers, so I'm sure they got lots of complaints about that.)

    P.S. If anyone wants to lose a good chunk of their day, here is the explanation of dog-whistling - one of my favorite things to discuss, EVER -

  4. I didn't see it as a shot-gun wedding, but you draw on cultural knowledge more readily than I do. Sometimes I live in my own little world. That being said, I would not have loved it the same way without those first two scenes!
