living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Friday, December 2, 2011

More Ways to Procrastinate

I had a fun (for me at least) idea of a new way to procrastinate as I write my paper!  I am going to "live blog" my paper (by length, not time).  I have banished myself from Facebook between breakfast and dinner, so this is my alternative to obnoxious status updates every 10 minutes as I write.

The Topic: Jesus as the Lamb of God.  I wanted to write about covenant curses; then I could write about women eating their children and other such cheery topics.  However, that topic was rejected.  There is not enough scholarship on it: evidently few scholars are as morbid as I am.

Blank page: My topic is too facile.  I should change it.  I don't have time to change it!  I fail at life!

3/4 of a page: You know how when you look at a word for too long...?  I'm already starting to pronounce it "lam-B" in my head.

One page down: Am I proving myself wrong?  My thesis doesn't have any support!  How can an idea be self-evident and wrong?  Can an idea be self-evident and wrong?

1 1/4 pages: Googling names that appear in other books, to make sure I am not quoting heretics.  Good news: I am quoting saints.

2 pages: Realizing I can type without looking at the keyboard OR the screen.  I didn't believe it when they told me in elementary school computer class that this was actually possible.

Just over 4 pages: I MADE IT ONTO THE FIFTH PAGE!  I'VE WRITTEN SO MUCH! .... I still have so much to write....

4 1/2 pages: This is circular logic.  I wonder if I should point it out.  Or maybe I can just hide it.  Does circular logic invalidate my argument if no one notices its existence?

5 pages:  I begin considering the fact that I am rewarding myself for paper-writing with housework.  Question: Which is a bigger problem -- that I think this is a good idea, or that it works?

6 pages: I am so over this paper. Why did I give up Facebook during the day?  Google + has never looked so appealing.

6 1/2 pages: Spell check wants me to change "Eucharistically" to "Eucharistic ally."  Which is wrong, but an interesting concept.

6 3/4 pages: People really need to use Google + more.


8 pages: Holy crow!  I made it to 8 pages!

8 1/4 pages: The excitement runs out.  I start researching what food group mushrooms are in.

8 3/8 pages: My sticky-note tore a thin layer off a page, removing the words I need to quote.  I didn't know that was even possible.

8 1/2 pages: I have a love-hate relationship with Taylor Swift, Scott Hahn, and myself.

8 3/4 pages: I miss sociology papers.  At least if I was wrong there, I would just be an idiot, not an idiot and a heretic.

9 pages: I got to use "penultimate" in a sentence!  That's awesome!

9 1/2 pages: I give up and go to a study party at Tim Horton's (think Dunkin' Donuts of Ohio), that appears to be more party than study.  Coffee at 11pm!

10 pages: I have developed a thumb twitch.  I think this is a variation of the TWAMP eye-twitch.

11 pages: Coffee finished and "Taylor the Latte Boy" appears.

12 pages: I hit the word limit!  I still have so much to do.  THANK YOU, JESUS, that Dr. Hahn will let us go over!

At this point, however, the bulk of my paper is "done"!

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