living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Goal: 13.1

Ever since I graduated high school, I have been something of a casual runner.  It is a cheap, easy workout that relieves stress and has the benefit of outdoors time (and no gym membership required).  I went through a brief love-hate relationship with running at the beginning of college, but we came out on good terms.

I have never done any serious running, however, and as a rule I refuse to run with people.  These constants are both changing.  I registered to run a half marathon in Pittsburgh.  I am excited to have a goal and purpose to my running now; I am also scared at the thought of 13.1 miles.  I made Brother Bear sign up with me, and we are training together.  We gained two other compatriots, Francis and Tommy More*, so we have a cozy little running group.  I am the only woman in the group.  Which works fine right now, but worries me for the future.  

Our goal is completion, not competition.  (At least, that's mine.  I've heard rumors that men tend to be more competitive than women, so maybe my running buddies have other ideas.)  The race is May 6th, in the middle of finals (but on a Sunday).  This gives us plenty of time to get used to running along the crazy Steubenville hills.  If you're far away, wish me luck -- if you're close, make plans to meet me at the finish line!

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