living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Monday, April 2, 2012

Someone Else's Thoughts on Lent

I woke up yesterday, and it was Palm Sunday.   (Actually, it's a debate among Shelly, Brother Bear, Thom, and myself -- I may have gone to bed the day before, and it was Palm Sunday.  Does a feast day start on the calendar day, or with Vespers the night before?  This will have an impact on my Lent next year and possibly on my work habits this year.)  Although I knew it was coming, the day still shocked me.  Where did Lent go?  I swear it just started....

Some Lents pass me by, and this one has not.  God's been heavily at work in my life, including on a retreat this past weekend.  However, it still doesn't feel like the end of Lent.

As Lent ends, I want to share this reflection from Building Cathedrals, a blog by a group of Catholic women.  This post is for all those who wonder what a Lenten sacrifice is about and all those who struggled this Lent.


  1. Thanks for the thoughts. This has been a strange Lent for me.

    I keep getting more blogs to follow from you!
