living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Charmed and Intrigued

I'm not sure if cute and hilarious was exactly what this blogger was going for, but that is my immediate, delighted reaction to his post about how All Hipsters Eventually Become Catholic.  A better title might be "How Catholicism Completes and Perfects Hipsterism."  Maybe hipsterism is full of semina verbi and preparatio evangelii?  (I just checked and I haven't discussed those glorious Latin terms yet.  "Seeds of the word" and "preparation for the Gospel" respectively, they will appear again in a later post!)

Some of my favorite lines:

"Aren’t you, as a Catholic, somewhat charmed and intrigued by hipsters?"  Um, YES!  Whenever I see one, I am secretly laughing at him and wanting to be his friend.

"The new hispter loves going to daily Mass at his parish, where the pews are filled with no one under the age of 50. He did it before it was cool."  Just don't stop if it does :-)

"Latin is a 'dead' language you know. How much more not mainstream can you get?"

I'll stop there, or I'd end up quoting the whole thing.  If you know anything about Catholics and/or hipsters read and enjoy!


  1. Are you calling me a kitten?

    You would like Catechesi Tradendae Par. 53
    "It is a different matter to take, with wise discernment, certain elements, religious or otherwise, that form part of the cultural heritage of a human group and use them to help its members to understand better the whole of the Christian mystery."

  2. Haha, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was talking about a kitten, but I have used those same words to describe them.

    I do like that passage. It sounds like a lot the JPII said/wrote. I think JPII would have loved/been friends with/converted all the hipsters in Poland if he had live a few decades later. In fact, he might be our hipster pope. BXVI is my favorite theologian, but I am "charmed and intrigued" by Karol Wojtyla in a way that I am not by Josef Ratzinger.
