living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Things For Which People Die

I know I am just jumping on the blog/Facebook/Twitter/everything else bandwagon here, but today is election day.  People died so we could have the right to vote.  As a woman, I am part of the last group to attain this right.  Women have had the vote for under one hundred years in this country.  (Think about that, ladies!)  However, no matter who you are, someone sacrificed his life for you to be able to have a say in your government.  I know politics can be disillusioning.  I know there are few (if any) good choices.  But your vote still matters.  Go find a poll.

P.S.  If my little spiel didn't convict you, try reading this (from the maker of


  1. Women are the last group to attain the right to vote? How about african americans? Poor people? Felons? People 18-20?

  2. I stand by my statement. While the first two groups you mention may face/have faced unjust obstacles in voting, they were legally allowed to vote. The 15th Amendment gave African Americans (of the male sex) the right to vote -- prior to the 19th Amendment. "People 18-20" defines a group with an arbitrary but necessary line based on age. I could possibly grant felons, though in that case the right has been rescinded based on free actions rather than never allowed based on accidents of birth.

  3. So you think a person who doesn't have enough money to pay a poll tax, a poll tax which is legally required to vote, is never the less legally allowed to vote? How?

  4. Also, of course people 18-20 is about a somewhat arbitrary age line. How does that make it not a group of people who attained the right to vote after 1920?
