living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Yes, I am walking around the library in (bright pink) socks.  Without shoes.  No, I don't see a problem with this.  In my defense, the green stripe over my toes (kind of) matches my green sweater.

I have settled into my library nook and can't decide if it is a home or an office, but either way it is mine for way too many hours of the day.  I am cranking out papers like a mad woman, however, so good is coming of it.


  1. The Ghost of Emily PostDecember 9, 2012 at 11:50 AM

    I'm a little horrified by the no-shoe thing (as a firm believer in both shoes and the disgusting-ness of libraries at this time of the year), but your socks sound very cute.

    I also understanding about library nooks - I like to move cubicles sometimes to shake things up - but the one I'm in right now is hitting a good stide, temperature/light/chair-wise.
