living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Thursday, March 21, 2013

GetReligion on Abortion Case

I normally poke around my (dying) Google reader at breakfast time, catching up on friends' blogs and the happenings of the world.  One of my feeds comes from GetReligion, a blog that critiques the media's coverage of religion.  And it's not much trouble -- easy morning reading.

Today, however, I stumbled across an article that made my stomach turn so much I couldn't click the link to the story being critiqued.  It is about Dr. Kermit Grosnell, who is on trial for murder due to horrendous practices at his abortion clinic.  While I understand pro-choice people who might say, "This isn't what all clinics are like," the sympathy with his practices -- including the murder of children born alive -- is almost as horrific as the facts of the case.

I'm posting it in hopes that my three faithful readers will read the GetReligion piece and take note especially of the lack of media coverage of the story and pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. I read about him when he was first arrested. It is horrific what he did and that people worked with him!!
