living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Here's the problem with sporadic blogs -- people don't read them.

Since that happens organically, it's likely that my 3.5 loyal followers have already given up on me.  If, however, there is still one hanger-on, I want that hanger-on to know that the last three weeks and the next three weeks are my official honey-mooning (yes, I just got married!) and getting life settled anew period.  I will be back in time to catch most of the Advent season.

1 comment:

  1. You still have me as a loyal follower Beth. I just have all my blogs in feedly, and I check that every day, so when you post I will see it there. Enjoy the honey-mooning/getting-life-settled-anew!
