living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Forest Earth

I recently had the pleasure of meeting the young man who started this non-profit : He works with communities in rain-forests to develop sustainable businesses. Which is to say, businesses that sustain the community and the rain-forest at the same time. I made that last bit italics, because I get so excited every time I say it and I wanted that to come out in the font. Too often in our society we place two good objectives in opposition to each other, and New Forest Earth refuses to do that. I know it is a small scale, but it brings me so much joy to find people who promote the environment and people's livelihoods and don't see the two in mutual opposition, even in an immediate sense. Maybe I just spend too much time with political extremists.

Also contributing to my enjoyment of New Forest Earth : the products. Jewelry, chocolate, and journals. What else do I need in life? (At least in a material sense.)


  1. I love these guys! I bought a cool poster (a reproduced part of a Maya codex) from them my senior year. Wish I could get more involved, but those times in life seem to be over...

  2. For me one of the best sites to meet new people is
