living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Assorted Blasphemies

As I wander further into the blogosphere, I am discovering more and more on Patheos that is interesting to read.  One of my favorites is Get Religion, which picks apart the mainstream media's coverage of religious news.  I don't like all of their coverage of Catholic news, which makes me question the strict accuracy of their approach to other religions, but at least they add a more reasonable and nuanced voice to the discourse than most, if not all, other media sources I read. 

One of the more interesting ones I've read is this piece about the Russian band that was sentenced to two years in prison for their actions in a Orthodox Cathedral.  I reacted to the mainstream media as would any good feminist/believer in freedom of speech (shock! horror! outrage!)... then this article made me think again.  Take a look-see and discuss!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing in the article even suggests to me that a crime other than trespassing was committed. His objection is that what they did was particularly offensive to religious believers, and the press should have reported that better because it changes the case somehow? The problem is that it doesn't change the case at all. Speech is most in need of protection when it is particularly offensive to someone.
