living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Stop VII: Cupcakes Actually

I am fallen lamentably behind in the grand cupcake tour.  Stop VII at Cupcakes Actually happened longer ago than I would care to admit.  Cupcakes Actually is a tiny little cupcakery (smaller than Alexandria Cupcakes) in the middle of Fairfax Corner, so basically in the heart of Yuppie-ville.  We came in after a day of shopping, which tends to put me in a bad mood.  (Why do I go shopping if it puts me in a bad mood, you ask.  I recently asked myself the same question and gave up shopping malls.)

The girl behind the counter looked like she was having a bad day and I wanted to make her smile.  So I made a joke about her apron, which she appreciated.  Then I ordered the Italian Stallion, a cannoli cupcake.  My mother and sister did the same, and Larry's mom got peanut butter.  The cake itself was merely okay, but when the combined experience of it with cannoli cream (is there a name for that?) and almond frosting, bumped it up significantly.  Not enough to bring it up to par with some of the other places we've been, but definitely up, and I appreciated the way they played with combining flavors.

Like Alexandria Cupcakes, this place serves primarily as a take-out place and had limited seating. We had to sit outside and pray the rain held off, and even outdoor seating was limited.  I had a tough time deciding stars for this one, but I ended up with a 3.5 of 5 stars: they lost a fraction of a star for their prices: higher and not worth the difference.

Larry's mom gave them an even lower ranking: 2.5 of 5 stars.

Cupcake Actually in Fairfax Corner:

I had the Peanut Butter/Chocolate cupcake.
The cake was basic chocolate
The frosting was a bit of a surprise. The shiny chocolate was tasty w/the PB right under it like a layer instead of mixed into the frosting as others had done.
The shop was small so we sat at a small outside table. It seemed like it was more of a take out place. We were the only customers I saw come & go when we were near the store.
The clerk was friendly.
The price was high. The cupcakes ran from $3.25 - $4.00. Mine was $3.75 & I didn't feel it was worth it.
I wouldn't go out of my way to return here despite the clever, cutesy names. I think the Cannoli filling w/almond frosting may have been better.

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