living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Make Over!

Welcome to the new name and the new look!  Everything should be in its proper place at this point, though let me know if it is not.

A little about all the changes, in bullet form:

  • The Name: The name is an allusion, but only vaguely.  The phrase came from a debate about the nature of the human soul and the body/soul relationship.  If you have been reading this blog at all, or if you have spoken to me ever about theology, you will pretty much know that I don't think we are ghosts in machines -- rather that the human body and soul are intensely integrated by the very nature of humanity.  That being said, because of the broken nature of humanity, we can often feel a disconnect between body and soul. (I am particularly susceptible to this problem.)  
  • The Nature: My plan is that the blog will and won't change.  Obviously, the archives continue to hold everything I've posted here.  On the other hand, you'll find a few new features (keep watching for them!).  But mostly what started as story-telling changed, so I am more acknowledging where this blog is now than announcing future changes.  I have started to think of this blog as a Theology of the Body blog -- not because I explicitly talk about Theology of the Body all the time, but because my interests tend to lie in the strange intersection between the fact that we experience the world through bodies yet are so much more than bodies.  Throw in a Catholic worldview, and you end up with a type of Theology of the Body -- it's basically what you've already been reading.  I will continue to include my own adventures, because after all, I don't have any that aren't embodied. 
  • My 3.14 Readers:  Thank you for sticking with me for this long.  You guys make me so happy every time I look at the stats -- or the Facebook discussions that break out beneath the links.   Please, keep reading and commenting, both on Facebook and directly on the blog!  I also am going to resume posting on Google+, so you can find me there, and I've added some subscribe buttons.  

One new feature: More pictures.  Like my tea bag that fit the theme
 perfectly: "You are a living consciousness."


  1. Oh mon Beth. You make me smile. It's been fun reading over some of your archived posts during my lunch break.

  2. Even google doesn't know what "concupisable" means. And I didn't realize that there were things google didn't know.

    1. Haha, so apparently I had it spelled wrong at first. Try the new spelling and let me know if you still can't find it!
