living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Friday, February 28, 2014

Quick Takes and Short Stories

At various times throughout my past of spilling writing on the internet, I have thought to myself, “If I were a good blogger, I would…” One of these “if”s that appeared more frequently is “be on top of things enough to link up with other bloggers at the proper time.” Several blogs I read link up with Jen at Conversion Diary for Friday Quick Takes, and I tend to think on many Saturdays (or Mondays if I ignore the internet all weekend), “Wow, that would have been a good idea.”

New name, new motivation.

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The idea is that these quick takes will be what I have previous called Cliff’s Notes and short stories -- here’s my life in a nutshell -- so if any of my 3.14 readers actually are reading because I started this blog to help them keep up with my life, they won’t be completely thwarted.

I realized recently that I probably haven’t said much on here about my current job.  I went from grad school to a couple hiati (that almost looks like Haiti!)  In case you are wondering what I do with my life, I keep someone else’s life organized and running smoothly. If you know me in real life, you are probably laughing at the idea, and don’t worry, I am laughing too.  Let’s just say it’s a growing experience.

God has helped transition me out of the academic world by giving me tons to snow days this winter.  I don’t like the whole no winter break, no spring break thing, but I have gotten more snow days and late openings this year than during my entire career in higher education.  The Captain and I have used them to put the house together, because now that I am finally living somewhere for real, I have to deal with the chaos that has trailed behind for the past eight years of constant nomadism.

On the note of God and the academic world: the Young Adult group of my parish has had Dominicans come in and speak for the past couple weeks.  Every time I encounter a Dominican brother, I want to be one.  While I know I can never be a Dominican brother, the Dominican House of Studies that I pass every day on the way to work is very, very tempting.  

Actually, I have lots of academic ambitions and more academic dreams.  Since I have a steady job and a steady husband, they are looking more realistic than they did a year ago, when neither was guaranteed and everything was up in the air.  And although they are very much still dreams, I enjoy watching people react when I say, “I kind of want an STD.” 
In other news, Lent is coming soon.  I need Lent ideas.  I’m struggling with moving from head to heart in the realm of suffering and detachment right now, so Lent could be good for me, if only I can really do it intentionally.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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