living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Sunday, January 24, 2016

When I Said Fruit Salad...

First, read the intro to this series here.

50 Ways to Be a Woman: #2

Dress modestly. Gain attention through who you are rather than the parts of your body you choose to expose. It is worth far more in the long run.

The first two items on the list have to do with women's bodies.  The first item I rewrote to focus on the importance of being in touch with our own bodies, of knowing the physical part of our body-soul self---and knowing how to limit it as necessary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Problems of Embodiment

I promised one post a week and am already behind... because when Sunday evening rolled around, I had a baby who was having problems with embodiment (read: bowels) and was exhausted from trying to help the bitsy one work through it.  Never fear, however---the next post is one the way.  In the meantime, here's something interesting I found on embodiment: scientist are finding out what the appendix does!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Graceful Embodiment

First, read the intro to this series here.

50 Ways to Be a Woman: #1

Practice good personal grooming habits. If you are going to have colored hair, keep your roots covered. If you are going to have fake nails, keep them filled. Take care of your skin, take care of your teeth. 

I want to go a few directions with this one, so please bear with me.  First of all, my inner feminist is screaming because at the top of the list of how to be a woman, we are told to cover our roots.  This superficial approach to our femininity can be seen as the cause and effect of so many gender problems of our society.  I could go off on a rant about these....

The Art of Womanliness

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am starting a series taking a Thought Catalog list of "50 Ways to Be a Woman" and annotating it, one item at a time.  I chose this list from convenience (it appeared on my Facebook) more than any completeness of the list.

Monday, January 4, 2016

One Down, Three to Go!

I have finished one semester of the PhD program and I have learned that when life is full, the extraneous things fall away.  Most of the extraneous things, I haven't even missed. However, I do miss blogging, and so I have come up with a plan for the coming year.  Once a week, I will write a post inspired by a list I found of "50 Ways to Be a Woman."  Consider it the prequel to my Catholic feminist manifesto.  Await it eagerly, my friends!