living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Death of Pro-Lifer

I seem to be blogging like crazy for the past couple of days, but the news is just so comment-worthy. Today, I read about an event on Friday: the shooting of a pro-life protester.

From what I've been reading, there is no official link between his murder and his stance on abortion, in spite of the fact that he was killed holding a sign. The man accused of his murder killed another person that same day and had another shooting planned, but was arrested first.

Still, this has caused a flurry of media attention, and even a comment from President Obama. Not that he seems to have much of a problem commenting on areas that the President does not need to comment.


  1. Speaking of areas that the President does not need to comment:

    (although it was supposed to be off the record, but w/e)

  2. Question: if the President says something off the record, should it be held to the same standards as his public comments? Because in regards to Kanye/Talyor Swift, I 1) agree with him, and 2) don't care about his word choice, because it wasn't supposed to be published. Savor this moment; I don't support Obama very often!
