living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Morning Paper

Some days, the Post-Dispatch is a little too local for me. I miss the DC metro area, where local news always seemed to have national import. Today, however, I received some priceless Obama news. In the wake of yesterday's anniversary, we're discussing whether or not to send more troops to Iraq. According to the Post-Dispatch, "It's unclear when Obama will make a decision, although the White House says he won't be rushed. 'Getting it right is of utmost important to the President,' White House secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday."

Did I hear that correctly? Well, okay, did I read that correct? When it comes to war, a matter that is clearly time sensitive, when not getting it right in a timely manner can jeopardize both previous and future success, we can take our time to get things right. Yet when it comes to healthcare, we must act quickly. It's too important to wait long enough to figure what Obama's plan means and if it makes any sense.

I'm not criticizing the President for wanting to take his time and make an important decision very carefully. I'm just confused by his logic.


  1. You should send this to Bill O'reilly, surely it's a pithy comment.

  2. haha, or at least, i would laugh if it wasn't so scary.

    but all i really wanted to say was that i wrote you a letter!! now my goal is to get it mailed by the end of this week...

    much love!
