living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pledge a Protestor

The 40 Days for Life campaign has started up, and, as I told Em today, being out there on the streets is addictive. So of course I am involved out here.

Unlike the small facilities in Virginia that I've encountered, the abortion provider here is Planned Parenthood. Before, we could tell when the abortionist was in, who went in for an abortion, when the abortions happened, who walked out after one. Here, the large building provides ample anonymity for clients.

The Planned Parenthood building also displays a sign with a slender, blonde, masked caricature of a female superhero, complete with the short skirt and high-heeled books, with the words "Defend the Truth: Pledge a Protester." It's their twisted campaign to make money off of peaceful people praying, who apparently, by standing on the grass with signs that read "Women Deserve Love Not Abortion" offer "intimidation and harassment" to patients and staff. The solution: give Planned Parenthood money so that they can publish the money and attempt to demoralize pro-lifers.

What they don't realize is that we have something more powerful than any amount of money they can raise. So while it makes me sick, it does not deter me. Us. Because as speakers pointed out yesterday at the MCC event, I am not making these changes. The Holy Spirit is. And through Him and through Christ, we are all connected. We are all one.

This oneness includes even the people pledging and posting the pledges, even the people who work inside Planned Parenthood. After the humanity and personhood of the pre-born, this is perhaps the most important lesson for our side to learn.

Side Note: As I stood by the road with a sign today, a man stopped at the stoplight by our corner took a picture on his phone! And I was staring right at him! Really?!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he thought you were cute? Or is pro-life and wanted to share it w/his pro-life friends?

    I'm going with cute :)

    I <3 you even though I totally disagree with you. Maybe I should sponsor you? :P
