living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Friday, April 25, 2014

Flowers and Soda Fountains

Spring is here at last and to celebrate, I planted green things!  I have been claiming for eight years that I want a house so that I can have a garden.  Well, I have garden boxes now -- I added mint and mixed greens to the sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and chives already in our herb box.  I also put a tomato and some basil in a pot on the backporch, so we should have a good summer.  I still need a teeny tiny house plant for a teeny tiny teacup flowerpot that Ana gave me.  Previously, it had dried flowers, but they did not survive the final move.
Mint ~ Lettuce to be ~ Tomato and basil

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Miss E and I went to lunch recently.  And I noticed something strange at the new Potbelly’s.  A prize* for the first person to notice what is odd about this picture!

I recently acquired a new name -- and therefore a new Social Security card and therefore a new driver’s license and then the most exciting part of all -- a new library card!  Yesterday, I gained access to our local library system.  I celebrated by checking out three books, and now I want to do nothing other than read.

Palm Sunday weekend was the annual Benefit Gala for the campus ministry at my alma mater.  The Captain and I drove down with Miss E in the backseat.  He is a strong man, braving our gossip (don’t worry -- I availed myself of Holy Week Confession later on), six hours of traffic for a 2.5 hour drive, and his grumpy, traffic-hating wife so that he could convince me that I didn’t actually want him to bid on the blue topaz ring.  We did end up bringing home some fancy teas, which, truth be told, I would choose over the ring.
Part of the Gala was a farewell/thank you to our campus minister, who, after seventeen years of amazing service, is retiring.  We presented her with a book of letters from alum throughout the years.  The scrapbook was created in our basement, so the Captain’s biggest joy at the Gala was the knowledge that his man-cave would shortly be restored to him.

Did I mention that a couple weeks ago I went north to hear my little sister give her senior honors presentation?  She wrote a 30 page paper on magical realism in French film and presented her research.  Since her school is not far away, I hopped a ride with my parents to support her.  She had a well-researched and well-delivered presentation, so kudos to her.  She also has my inflection and my hand gestures when presenting, which was a tad eerie.

Wednesday was “Administrative Professionals Day,” previously known as Secretary’s Day.  And so this is brightening up my cube:
Bonus: Wedding pictures!


*I use this term very loosely.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Is it Coke and Pepsi being featured in the same fountain? I find that odd. Hooray For your garden! Kelby and I planted some herbs in a box a few weeks ago. They're still alive, huzzah!

    1. Yupp! I've never seen it at a restaurant before -- in fact, I have heard that most of the time Pepsi & Coke contract exclusively.

      Also, it makes me happy to see your new last name :-)

  2. Pepsi AND coke!!! Awesome!

  3. Haha, somehow the Coke & Pepsi thing didn't strike me as odd at first but now I get it. But it also looked to me like there was something stuck in the ice dispenser...

    1. What I am learning from this endeavor is that my photography skills need some work...
