The excitement of my week(end) came mostly in the form of a clogged sink. Noticing it was draining slowly, the Captain decided to snake our bathroom sink. This resulted in a sink that refused to drain at all. So he plunged it. This resulted a sink filled with black, smelly water. Apparently, it is called
bio-sludge and is gross. I kept wanting to call it primordial sludge… but this was worse, because it was already alive. The Captain bought a bacteria compound to eat the bio-sludge and it worked. I then bleached and scrubbed the bathroom so thoroughly that despite opening the windows through the whole house, I was afraid to clean anything else, including my hair, for fear of mixing toxic bleach fumes. The bio-sludge smell was familiar, and after a bit I placed it. It was the Crim Dell After a Rain Storm Smell. (Again, lots and lots of bleach.)
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Besides the sink, Hobby Lobby has been consuming a lot of my mental energy lately. I listened to the oral arguments on Saturday and found them fascinating and angering. I didn’t realize quite how Supreme Court hearings worked until then. I came out thinking that if I were a justice, I would be constantly annoyed with the other justices. Any one of them can interrupt the attorney speaking at any time to ask a question, so some of the answers the lawyers tried to give went unanswered, due to an impatient justice.I went to the dentist for the first time in years on Tuesday. The good news is, my teeth are not falling out. I think it is a sign of true grown-up-hood when you make and keep your down dental appointment. This appointment meant coming into work late, which meant driving into work, which meant driving home -- which meant I became, once again, extremely grateful for the Metro system that allows me to avoid driving most days.
This warm weather means spring, which means that for a number of friends back at school we are approaching comprehensive exams season and job hunting season. If you are the praying type, please send up a few for them on these endeavors. Also for a friend who is becoming a deacon this weekend. When the Captain and I got married, I realized that there are a limited number of religious greetings cards out there, and that when you are religious, EVERYONE will buy them for you. It has got to be so much worse for an ordination: after all, how many “Congratulations on your ordination to the transitional diaconate!” card can be out there?
In other Life Changes news, I am slowly wading through the red tape for name changes. I am now in an awkward place where some but not all the paperwork has gone through, so I don’t know how to fill in “Name” fields on some paperwork. The next step is a new driver’s license, for which I am so excited. My current license has a picture that perfectly captures my “I Don’t Mind the Wait But I Can’t Believe You Can’t Even Greet Me or Look Me in the Eye After I Sat Here for SO LONG AND STILL WAS NICE TO YOU!” face. And I kind of want that gone.
Finally: last week, I managed to garner more scientist/enginerd comments than liberal artsy comments. This tends to happen when I notice and comment on my ignorance regarding some scientific phenomenon or ask a mathematical question. So for my sciency readers: What is the Universe?
*But seriously, how many Starbucks are within easy distance of me? This is absurd. I think (not counting ones in Safeways) there are ten within a ten-minute drive.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
You would like Justice Thomas then, it has bee eight years since he has asked a question during oral arguments. A lot of people (myself included) see that as incompetence though. You have to understand that by the time oral arguments are happening, the justices have read the parties briefs, they have read some of the amicus briefs, the know the arguments that the lawyers are making, and this is their chance to get clarification from the lawyers, but also to make arguments to each other and see where each other stand (they don't talk to each other about the cases before oral arguments). So I think it's perfectly appropriate for them to use the time in that way.
ReplyDeleteYou know you have a bike in our basement.