living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Are Hillbillies Good People?

"But I'm basically a good person."  It's a common line, used to excuse flaws and look past foibles.  It expresses some vague concept of what a human being should be and suggests that the subject mostly aligns with that undefined concept.  It tends to mean, "I am not a horrible person, so I must be okay."

The problem with it is that life is not that black and white (i.e. "I'm either a good person whose every quality must be accepted or a horrible person who must be rejected.") and goodness is not that easy.  Sociological Images, a left-leaning (to put it mildly) sociology blog, recently posted the video below about goodness, racism, and the Oscars that addressed this questions surprisingly well.

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