living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tunnel Vision

You know those times when disasters strike, and your Facebook newsfeed fills up with people commenting on it as well as those people who compare it to abortion? Maybe it's just me, since I'm just friends with too many vociferously pro-life people. It happens -- "Terrorists kill 1000 people in Africa" -- and the Internet response is "But you know who kills almost 1000 people EVERY DAY? Planned Parenthood!"

Every time it happened, I cringed. I cringed for several reasons that I found conveniently articulated in this blog post yesterday. It is unfortunately titled like click bait but actually is a very relevant article for all pro-lifers in this Internet age, as well as all people are troubled by this trend.

Here are the four reasons to avoid "fetal tunnel vision." You can read the article for a more thorough discussion of each. I highly recommend it.

Why to Avoid Fetal Tunnel Vision:
  1. It won't work in persuading people.
  2. Other injustices matter, and this tendency denies that fact.
  3. It's rude, especially to people suffering from the other tragedy. 
  4. It begs the question. It means nothing to the people we want to convince because it assumes our disputed premise.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for saying this. I never like those posts but then feel a little guilty as if I'm not pro-life enough for not agreeing with them.
