living as an embodied spirit in a concupiscible world

Monday, March 31, 2014

In Which I Makes Lots of "Coffee"

It took me three attempts this morning to make a cup of coffee.  In the Keurig machine in the office.  Yes.  In a Keurig machine.  In case you are wondering how one might possibly mess up a cup of coffee using a Keurig brewer, I can tell you two ways:

  1. Use cream that was apparently left by the coffee over the weekend.  What clued me in was the film over the cream after I poured it.  I still do not understand how I poured it, as upon examination it was more solid than liquid.  Perhaps the last remaining flowable "cream" made it into my coffee.
  2. Don't put in the k-cup.  You know, just leave the coffee out of the coffee.  I actually had to process this phenomenon.  Hmm, that coffee is really light.  Why is the coffee so light?  Look, it's like white and clear.  What would make coffee do that?  What isn't right?....
In other news (hopefully you can draw your own parallel here), my sister pointed out to me over the weekend that she could not see the pictures for any of my Quick Takes.  At which point I realized that my attempted use of Google to post photos was actually a fail.
Finding this GIF was the hardest part of
 this post.  GIFs on this blog: good idea,
bad idea, or too much like work? (And why
do I have an easier time writing a treatise on
the theo-sociology of gender than finding
one little GIF?  And how long can one caption
actually get before it is longer than the blog
post in which it finds its home?
I have solved the problem, so if you go back to look at any of my "Short Story" posts in which you could previously not see my clever photos... you can now see just how clever I am.

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